
22th December.

pmr result was announce this morning.
reached there around 10am.teacher havent reach -.-
when teacher reached all of the students very nervous to get the result :p
Jacklyn,Allyson,me didnt have any subject fail. :)

last time sejarah fail. now C
bm bi bc C change to B
whatever larh. I knw I have hardworking. I knw I have improve~ quite sufficient :))
gambateh for SPM!!

my dear Evelyn babe. I miss you alot

我们认识要6年了咯 , 怎么样 对我这个6年的姐妹什么感触 =p
好啦知道你害羞 不用你说 我明白的 :p
我不小心在这里写到你 然后就不小心想放你的照片出来  不是特地的 =P
哈哈哈哈 做工有钱了哦?请我吃东西啊 !:D



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